My Fav type of food: Spicey & Italian
My fav. color: BLUE
My fav. Breakfast food: Smores Pop Tarts
My fav. Drink: Mountain Dew
My fav. show: The Sopranos
My fav. reality show: Real World & Fear Factor
My fav. Place: St.Thomas (virgin islands)
My fav. nickname: Rach
My fav. Computer game: Rollar Coaster Tycoon
My fav. Website:
My fav. School subject: Percussion class
My fav. gum: Polar Ice by Extra
My fav. candy: Hot Tamales
My fav. chips: Sour cream & onion
My fav. food: Garlic knots
My fav. brand of shoes: Etnies
My fav. stupid dog: HOLLY!
My fav. sport: Football
My fav. football team: Tampa Bay Bucs!
My fav. Instrument: DRUMS
My fav. brand of sticks: Pro mark
My fav. Screen name: RedHdDrummerChic
My fav. Cat: Miney mouse!!
My fav. car: Nissan Xterra or Nissan Frontier
My fav. Store: Rave
My fav. ice cream: Chocolate
My fav. kind of pie: Apple
My fav. type of shoe: Sandle
Gold or silver: Gold
Brownies or cake: Brownies
Kmart or Walmart: Kmart
My fav. Day: Friday
My fav. holiday: Holloween
If i think of more i will add em well l8er pplz!!!