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Just Because
Running Cross Country
Rachels Blog

Thu, Jul 28 2005

Mood:  hungry
Now Playing: currently nothing
Wow man o man crazy stuffs been happening l8ly lol and i havnt wrote in this thingy in a long ass time....i really dont knwo wut to write except i freakin busted ass today tryin to get outa donnys car and his grandma and bro were laughing soo hard man i felt like an idiot lol everytime i go to get outa that freakin car i trip fall or stumble out! Its too freakin high! lol and yesterday i was on these rolly chair thingys and brad came up from behind me and pushed me across the room into these bean bag things and i went flying into the wall lmfao it hurt sooo bad but it was funny i was like laughin so hard i was crying it was great.....I told donny and hes like he what? and flipped out....but it was funny at the time....this all happend at band camp lmfao percussion camp now thats a diff. story right there lol thats some great shit but yea anyways im gonna go cuz Donny is calling me right now so i'll talk to ya'll later!! Peace out home dogs c ya on the flip side!

Posted by rachel34667 at 9:26 PM EDT

Fri, Jul 8 2005

Mood:  caffeinated
Now Playing: Dirty little secret-The all american Rejects
Topic: Summer
This song is pimp!! I love it lol....I went to the movies tonite with audrey,chelsea, and travis and we saw black water....its freakin gay as hell lol audrey scared me tho lol and 5 mins l8er durring a quiet part i smacked her arm really hard and every1 heard it lol It was great and i love this song and the bitch song by bowling for soup!! Lol well i gotta go check myspace bizotches!! Peace out home dogs! I miss donny lol
~Much love~

Posted by rachel34667 at 11:06 PM EDT

Thu, Jul 7 2005

Mood:  happy
Now Playing: Grind with me-Pretty Ricky
Topic: Just Because
Hey pplz!! Im like 10 times tanner then i was 4 days ago lol! Ive been tanning for 4 days now and i see a huge difference! Its so hard to sit out in the blistering heat tho....Id rather be in air conditioning and gettin fat but hey its all worth it when i get to show it off and i impress a few ppl!Donnys still in vegas.....till tuesday and i got to talk to him online thru his cell today and the freakin internet cut off! I told him bout the hurricane comming lol hopefully its gone totally when he gets on the plane to come home!! i dont want nethin bad happening to him :-( Well i think im done for the day go onto myspace and look for a new pic i put up with how tan i was yesterday! Well peace out home dogs!

Posted by rachel34667 at 4:55 PM EDT

Mon, Jul 4 2005

Mood:  not sure
Now Playing: Got the life-KORN
Topic: Just Because

Posted by rachel34667 at 11:38 PM EDT

Mood:  hug me
Now Playing: Before i forget- Slipknot
Topic: Summer
For anyone that likes steve frati i got a warning HES GAY!!! KILL STEVE FRATI!! Thats all i got for ya! Peace out home dogs!!

Posted by rachel34667 at 12:13 AM EDT

Sat, Jul 2 2005

Mood:  bright
Now Playing: Breaking the habit- linkin park
Topic: Running Cross Country
Well yea cross country training is goin pretty good ive gotten a lil faster and farther then normal...i just havnt ran in a couple days lol so i need to go tonite to do it well that music thingys on so im gonna go! Peace out home dogs!

Posted by rachel34667 at 7:09 PM EDT

Mood:  caffeinated
Now Playing: Scar tissue- red hot chilie peppers
Topic: Just Because
Well my few days have been pretty cool, i layed out today for 2 1/2 hours and im kinda burnt lol it hurts to sit down but at least my butt isnt white nemore eh?? Well hmm wut to write....oh my friend amber was over and we were on myspace lookin at hott guys lol and turns out they were all gay lol isnt that a pitty? It was horrible lmao!! Yea idk wut to do bout things jus confused well i gotta baby sit pretty soon so i need to take an energy pill or somethin cuz this kid it like very freakin hyper!! well gotta go peace out home dogs!!

Posted by rachel34667 at 7:06 PM EDT

Thu, Jun 30 2005

Kinda wore out!
Mood:  hug me
Now Playing: Judith- A Perfect Circle
Topic: Just Because
Well well i promised id write lol but i didnt the next day so heres another entry...I cant wait till 4th of july cuz i wanna have a party with some ppl over my house...My lil cuz's came over today and left a lovely package on my floor....she didnt make it to the bathroom so she jus let the pee run lmao....Just what i wanna clean up after i ate eh? Well i havnt gone to busch gardens in awhile....I need to go soon, donny might be going tmw so that means i'll be at the movies by myself lol oh joy! Hes leaving for vegas in like 4 or 5 days....staying for a week that means i gotta figure somethin to do while hes gone so i wont be bored....Ive been in a crappy mood kinda l8ly and alot of ppl think im mad at em but im not i just dont feel like talking to ppl really...I jus want some time to myself except i wanna talk to donny n wut not be4 he leaves...Tori invited me to her b-day and it should be alot of fun!! Donnys gonna go so hopefully we have time to hang out well i gotta go now c ya'll l8er!! Peace out home dogs hope u like my new improved blog!!

Posted by rachel34667 at 6:57 PM EDT
Updated: Thu, Jun 30 2005 7:15 PM EDT

Wed, Jun 29 2005

When angles deserve to die!
Mood:  accident prone
Now Playing: S.O.A.D- Chop Suey
Topic: Summer
Hey Hey i havnt written in awhile cuz of my internet and what not but let me catch you up on some stuff in the past few days....Well audrey stayed over my house 2 nights then we went to the mall on like monday...i had to lay down in the back of our corvette lmao It was funny tryin to get outa that damn thing....Then i stayed at her house the other night and we went 4wheelin yesterday....This is when it all begins...we went out on it and it was all fine till we met up with donny and nick on their bikes.....well they wanted to go thru hicks pits cuz audrey and i were up there mudding on her 4wheeler and we were covered in mud...well they went thru the wrong way came out by the rec center and we couldnt find em so donny called us and we were heading to where he was well we came across this huge puddle and we already flooded her engine earlier so she was tryin to go around it well the 4wheeler flipped into the huge puddle along with my cell phone! i almost went under with the thing trying to save my cell phone my knees were cut up badly and my ankles were cut from earlier and getting in that water stung...this puddle was like knee deep and i went flying in it laying down... well we called donny and nick over and they were laughin at us as my cell phone was like spazzing out...i was almost in tears cuz i love that thing! And i went over n gave donny a hug and he didnt like it lol but we made it out alive besides my mom bitchin at me n cell is ok i jus gotta get it off car kit somehow...and i dont know if i wanna do that again for awhile cuz audrey almost ran over my footlike 2 times! Well i think this sums things up lol and i got a bad sunburn from being out there all day...Well i gotta go talk to ppl online peace out home dogs!!

Posted by rachel34667 at 3:36 PM EDT

Sun, Jun 26 2005

Feeling Horrible
Mood:  not sure
Now Playing: Surfacing-SlipKnot
Well i had fun last night but i cant tell you wut happend.....It was fun yet crazy at the same time! Met a couple cool ppl that go to Gulf High school....makes me hate hudson all together lol....well im not feelin good i think im gonna lay down or i will write tomorrow lmao....Peace out home dogs

Posted by rachel34667 at 8:19 PM EDT

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